The commercial exhibition “Bata: Our plant is a workers’ plant” is conceived as a bilingual collection of nineteen 100 x 70 cm panels and one 70 x 72 cm panel, eighteen picture panels and two text panels. The pictures display the processes of the Bata company in the Zlin plant and its employees, the accompanying text describes the activities or the context of the production. The text panels include the employees’ declarations regarding the anniversary of the company and Thomas Bata’s follow-up reply, furthermore, they describe the company’s situation in the context of the time period. The photographs have not been publicly presented yet.
The exhibition has its own printed catalogue, a companion eleven-minute video-presentation, a website, and a social media profile. The graphic design and prepress preparation of the exhibition were done by the recognized Studio 6.15. The text was redacted by PhDr. Zdeněk Pokluda, a former director of the State Regional Archive in Zlín, a historian specializing on the development and activities of the Bata company. The exhibition was created in cooperation with the Thomas Bata Foundation in Zlín and the Bata’s School of Work Graduates Club. The target audience are both lay audience and experts both in the Czech Republic and abroad.
The proceeds of the exhibition will be used for the salvage and research of the artifacts of the Bata company and the Bata family.